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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited
Chairman’s Statement
Dear Shareholders,
In the past 5 years since the Company’s initial public offering in December 2006, the Company has extended its
position from a “services provider for telecommunications operators” to a “leading provider of producer services in
the informatization sector”. With the corporate vision of becoming a “world-class information network builder”, the
Company has achieved remarkable results through its innovative and pro-active business initiatives. The Group has
recorded revenues of over RMB50 billion for the first time in the past 5 years and saw corresponding growth in its
profit as well, both of which have more than doubled since its initial public offering. These excellent operating results
have also given rise to favorable investment returns for shareholders in the form of yearly increases in dividends,
thus realizing the simultaneous increase in the value of both the Group and its shareholders.
Operating Results
The Group achieved outstanding growth in 2011, with total revenues reaching RMB53,507 million, representing
a year-on-year growth of 17.8%. Profit attributable to equity shareholders was RMB2,115 million, representing a
year-on-year growth of 17.2%. Having considered the interests of and returns to our shareholders, the Board has
proposed to maintain 40% dividend payout ratio
and pay a final dividend of RMB0.1222 per share
for the financial
year ended 31 December 2011.
 Dividend payout ratio = total dividend ÷ profit attributable to equity shareholder
 Calculated on the basis of the total share capital of the Company after the rights issue on 8 February 2012