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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
President’s Statement
The Group also enhanced its human resource management. As a result of the Group’s innovation of incentive
mechanisms to attract and retain core talents, staff are able to realize their career development and share the
benefits of the Group’s growth. In order to help fulfill its future development strategies, the Group adopted an
innovative approach in personnel allocation, and has focused its personnel allocation on its high-end businesses. On
the other hand, through the outsourcing of low-end business, the Group effectively mitigated the impact of wage
increases. Moreover, the Group focused on building an expert team specializing in the fields of project management
and overseas development in order to properly serve the Group’s increased requirements resulting from rapid
business growth.
Prospects for 2012
Looking ahead, the Group will strive to promote its businesses with a substantial development through innovation,
efficiency enhancement, and targeting its goal of becoming a “hundred-billion enterprise” with excellent
performance. The Group will mainly focus on the following areas during 2012 in order to maximise returns for
shareholders and contribute to society:
Tap further into the domestic telecommunications operator market: The Group will reinforce its leading
position in the domestic telecommunications operator market and further participate in businesses such
as mobile network construction, broadband, wireless city, and will proactively push forward business
Explore and develop domestic non-operator market: By leveraging the opportunities arising from
informatization of society and urbanization, the Group will focus on key industries and actively develop
businesses regarding dedicated communications networks, system integration, consolidated cabling, pipeline
engineering, intelligent buildings and mobile Internet;
Further expand its operational scale in overseas market: The Group will devote more resources for turnkey
projects, and conduct subcontracting projects with focus on efficiency. The Group will also promote business
collaboration, enhance risk management and target to achieve scale development in the overseas market;
Drive the innovation of ACO business: The Group will focus on the management of the existing joint venture
projects, promote innovation in its mechanisms and products, and endeavour to create a new model in
business growth;
Further promote intensive management: The Group will further promote centralized fund management and
business collaboration, improve mechanisms for project management and subcontracting management,
strengthen contract management and build up a team of experts who are adaptive to the swiftly changing
market. With the above measures, the Group will be able to enhance its competitiveness and management
capability, and thus realize healthy and sustainable growth.
Zheng Qibao
Beijing, PRC
29 March 2012