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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
Business Overview
strengthened its business collaboration and thus achieved breakthroughs in many industries and participated
in several sizable construction projects such as “Safe City” in Chongqing, Xi’an Horticultural Expo, Shenzhen
Universiade, and Cloud Computing Center in Zhenjiang. All the above significantly enhanced the Group’s brand
awareness and marketing capability and led to steady revenue growth from its domestic non-operator customers.
In 2011, the Group continued to firmly implement its overseas expansion strategy and overcame the negative impact
from the political instabilities in Middle East and North Africa. The revenue from overseas markets was RMB3,471
million in 2011, representing an increase of 56.0% over last year. The Group focused on its expansion in turnkey
projects such as FTTH project in Saudi Arabia, ADSS backbone fiber optic network project in Nepal and IDC project
in Indonesia for customers including telecommunications operators, government agencies and large enterprises, and
had achieved substantial breakthroughs. Moreover, the Group implemented the strategic cooperation agreements
with many telecommunication equipment manufacturers and revenue from them increased rapidly. The Group
strengthened business cooperation with large-scale state-owned enterprises, explored ICT system integration
projects such as the weak current engineering system integration project for the new ferry terminal at Macau and
achieved preliminary success. The Group also strives to minimize operational risks in overseas. In 2011, the Group
entered into strategic cooperation agreements with financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies
and kept improving the construction of fundamental legal and financial mechanisms and IT systems for overseas
subsidiaries to improve its risk management capability. In view of the enormous market potential in overseas market,
the Group will endeavor to achieve scale breakthrough in overseas market in a prudent manner.
Overseas Project Sites