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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
WU Shangzhi
age 62, is an Independent Non-Executive Director of
our Company. Mr. Wu is the Chairman of CDH China
Holdings Management Company Limited (“CDH”). Prior
to joining CDH, Mr. Wu was an investment officer and
senior investment officer at the World Bank from 1984
to 1991 and he also was a senior investment officer of
the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank
Group from 1991 to 1993. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Wu
was an executive director of Beijing Copia Consulting
Co. Ltd. Mr. Wu was a managing director of the Direct
Investment Department of China International Capital
Corporation (CICC) from 1995 to 2002 and member
of the Management Committee of CICC from 2000
to 2002. Mr. Wu graduated from the Massachusetts
I ns t i t u t e o f Techno l ogy wi t h a Ph .D. deg r ee i n
Mechanical Engineering and a M.S. in Management of
age 77, is an Independent Non-Executive Director of our
Company. Mr. Hao graduated from the PLA Zhangjiakou
Inst i tute of Communicat ions Engineer ing, and the
Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications in
1953 and 1963 respectively. He is a professor-level
senior engineer wi th over 60 years’ exper ience in
the telecommunications industry. Mr. Hao is the Vice
Chairman of the China Association of Communications
Enterprises and is also a standing committee member
of the r ad i o f requency p l ann i ng and consu l t i ng
committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology. From 1983 to 1986, Mr. Hao was sent
to the Uni ted States as a visi t ing scholar to carry
out telecommunicat ions research in GTE Network
Systems Company and Stanford University. Mr. Hao
has been i nvo l ved i n management and research
projects in the fields of management of technology,
data communication, satellite communication, network
planning and international communication since his
return from the Uni ted States. Mr. Hao previously
served as a Deputy Director-General and Chief Engineer
of the DGT of the former MPT and a Vice Chairman and
the General Manager of China Orient Telecomm Satellite
Co., Limited prior to December 2003.