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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
Report of the Directors
The following table sets out information concerning the senior management of the important subsidiaries of the
Company as at the date of this report:
Position in the Group
Date of appointment
Chen Hong
Chief Executive Officer of Guangdong
Communications Services Company Limited
5 February 2009
Chen Zhijian
Chief Executive Officer of Shanghai
Communications Services Company Limited
7 December 2010
Wu Xiaowei
Chief Executive Officer of Zhejiang
Communications Services Company Limited
6 September 2010
Yang Yonghe
Chief Executive Officer of Fujian
Communications Services Company Limited
13 March 2007
Gao Liangping
Chief Executive Officer of Hubei
Communications Services Company Limited
17 August 2006
Cheng Hongyan Chief Executive Officer of Jiangsu
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Gu Ping
Chief Executive Officer of Anhui
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Chen Biao
Chief Executive Officer of Jiangxi
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Xiao Yafan
Chief Executive Officer of Hunan
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Qi Yan
Chief Executive Officer of Guangxi
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Li Xiulin
Chief Executive Officer of Chongqing
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Deng Chang
Chief Executive Officer of Sichuan
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Xu Haiming
Chief Executive Officer of Guizhou
Communications Services Company Limited
23 July 2009
Qing Deming
Chief Executive Officer of Yunnan
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Yang Changlin
Chief Executive Officer of Shaanxi
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Ren Chengyin
Chief Executive Officer of Gansu
Communications Services Company Limited
17 October 2008
Deng Xiaohui
Chief Executive Officer of Qinghai
Communications Services Company Limited
5 April 2007
Hou Zhilong
Chief Executive Officer of Xinjiang
Communications Services Company Limited
5 February 2009
Yang Fan
Chief Executive Officer of China Communications
Services (Hong Kong) International Limited
1 November 2007
Xu Chuguo
Chief Executive Officer of China International
Telecommunications Construction Corporation
5 November 2008