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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
Corporate Governance Report
Meetings of the Board
Pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association and the Listing Rules, the Board shall convene at least four
meetings a year to review and approve its financial and operational performance, and consider and approve the
overall strategy and policies of the Company.
The Company Secretary assists the Chairman in preparing the agenda for Board meetings. Unless stipulated
otherwise by the Board in advance, the time and place for any Board meeting shall be notified to all the directors
at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. The agenda and related documents of the Board meetings will be
delivered to all directors at least 3 days prior to the date of the meeting, so that the directors are apprised of the
latest developments and financial position of the Company to make informed decisions. The Board and each of the
directors may contact the senior management independently if necessary.
All the minutes of the meetings of the Board contain details of the matters considered and resolutions adopted, and
are kept by the secretary of the meeting and available to the directors for inspection.
In 2011, the Board held four meetings and passed six written resolutions. For the resolutions on the connected
transactions such as revision of annual caps for continuing connected transactions between the Company and China
Telecom, directors with conflict of interests abstained from voting.