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Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
/ Annual Report 2011 /
age 42, i s an Execut i ve Di rector , Execut i ve Vi ce
President and Chief Financial Officer of our Company.
Ms. Hou received a master degree in Management
Engineer ing f rom Bei j ing Universi ty of Posts and
Telecommunicat ions in 1995 and a master degree
in Internat ional Commercial Account ing from The
University of New South Wales in 2002. Prior to joining
the Company, Ms. Hou was Deputy Managing Director
of the Finance Department in China Telecommunications
Corporation. Prior to that, Ms. Hou served as Divisional
Director of General Finance Division and Budgeting
Division of China Telecommunications Corporation’s
Finance Department and the director and the Chief
Accountant of Guangxi Telecom Company. Ms. Hou
has over 17 years experience in telecommunications
industry and financial management.
LIU Aili
age 48, is a Non-Executive Director of our Company. Mr.
Liu is an Executive Director and a Vice President of China
Mobile Limited. He is also a Vice President of China
Mobile Communications Corporation and a Director of
China Mobile Communication Company Limited. Mr. Liu
received a master of management degree and a doctoral
degree in Business Administration. Mr. Liu previously
served as Deputy Di rector Genera l of Shandong
Mobile Telecommunications Administration, Director
General of Shandong Mobi le Telecommunicat ions
Administrat ion and General Manager of Shandong
Mobile Communications Enterprises, Vice President of
Shandong Mobile Communications Company, Director-
General of the Network Department of China Mobile
Communications Corporation, Chairman and President of
Shandong Mobile and Zhejiang Mobile, and Chairman of
CMPak Limited. He is a professor-level senior engineer
with over 29 years of management experience in the
telecommunications industry.
Non-Executive Directors