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/ China Communications Services Corporation Limited /
Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
age 55, is a Non-Executive Director of our Company.
Mr . Zhang i s a V i ce P r es i den t o f Ch i na Un i t ed
Network Communications Group Company Limited,
a Senior Vice President of China Unicom (Hong Kong)
Limi ted and a Di rector and Senior Vice President
of China United Network Communications Limited.
Mr. Zhang graduated from the Nanjing University of
Posts and Telecommunicat ions major ing in carr ier
communication in 1982, received a master degree in
Business Administration from the National Australian
University in 2002 and received a Doctor of Business
Administration from Hong Kong Polytechnic University
in October 2008. Mr . Zhang previously served as
Execut ive Di rector of China Unicom (Hong Kong)
Limited, Deputy General Manager and General Manager
of the Anhui Provincial Telecommunication Company,
Chairman and General Manager of Anhui Provincial
Telecommunicat ion Co. , Ltd, Di rector of Bengbu
Municipal Posts and Telecommunications Bureau in
Anhui Province and Deputy Director of Anhui Provincial
Posts and Telecommunications Bureau. Mr. Zhang has
long and extensive management experience in the
telecommunications industry.
age 71, is an Independent Non-Executive Director of
our Company. Mr. Wang graduated from the Harbin
Engineering Institute in the PRC. Mr. Wang was the
former Chai rman of China Internat ional Trust and
Investment Corporation (“CITIC”). After his retirement
in July 2006, he became the Executive Director and
Chai rman of the Board of Di rectors of CITIC 21CN
Company Limited and the Chairman and Executive
Director of Goldbond Group Holdings Limited. Until 17
April 2008, Mr. Wang was a Non-Executive Director and
Honorary Chairman of HKC (Holdings) Limited.
Independent Non-Executive Directors