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Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
/ Annual Report 2011 /
Mr. LI Ping
(Please refer to the “Executive Directors” section)
Mr. ZHENG Qibao
(Please refer to the “Executive Directors” section)
Mr. YUAN Jianxing
(Please refer to the “Executive Directors” section)
Ms. HOU Rui
(Please refer to the “Executive Directors” section)
, age 56, is an Executive Vice President of our Company. Mr. Wang is also the Chairman of China
International Telecommunications Construction Corporation, a subsidiary of the Company. Until November 2008,
Mr. Wang was the Chief Executive Officer of Guangdong Communications Services Company Limited. Mr. Wang
graduated from the Chinese Communist Party’s (CPC) School of Guangdong in 1998. Mr. Wang had served as
General Manager of Guangdong Post and Telecommunications Development Corporation, and Director of the
Telecom Engineering Administration Centre of Guangdong Telecommunications Corporation. Mr. Wang was
involved in a number of major communications network projects for Guangdong Telecom, and was awarded the
Excellent Engineering Project Prize issued by the MPT. Mr. Wang has 38 years of management experience in the
telecommunications industry in China.
Mr. LIANG Shiping
, age 42, is an Executive Vice President of our Company. Mr. Liang joined the Company in
August 2008 as Director of the Marketing Department of the Company. Mr. Liang received a bachelor’s degree in
Computer Engineering from the Computer Science Department of Jilin University in 1992 and master’s degree in
Computer Application from the Sixth Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry in
1996. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Liang served at the Data Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Posts
and Telecommunications, the Multimedia Bureau of the Telecom Administration of the Ministry of Posts and
Telecommunications and the Technology Development Department of China Telecom Data Communication Bureau.
From October 2000 to August 2008, Mr. Liang served as a Divisional Director of the Planning Division of the Data
Communication Bureau and the Application Development Division of the Corporate Informatization Department. Mr.
Liang has over 20 years’ experience in telecommunications and IT industry.