China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
The following table sets out information concerning the supervisors of the Company as at the date of this report:
Position in the Company
Date of the
first appointment
Han Fang
Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee
11 December 2015
Hai Liancheng
Independent Supervisor
3 August 2006
Si Jianfei
Employee Representative Supervisor
18 June 2013
On 26 June 2015, the term of office of the third session of the members of the Supervisory Committee expired. Upon the re-
election by shareholders in the annual general meeting on the same day, Ms. Xia Jianghua and Mr. Hai Liancheng continued to
hold office in the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee. Upon the election by employees, Mr. Si Jianfei continues to serve
as the Employee Representative Supervisor in the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee. On 11 December 2015, Ms. Xia
Jianghua resigned as the chairperson and a supervisor of the Supervisory Committee. On the same day, Ms. Han Fang was
elected as a supervisor upon the approval by shareholders in the extraordinary general meeting, and was elected as the
chairperson of the Supervisory Committee at the second meeting of the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee.
Profiles of the directors, supervisors and senior management are set out in the “Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior
Management” section of this annual report.
The Company has received, from each of the independent non-executive directors, an annual confirmation of his independence
pursuant to Rule 3.13 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing
Rules”). The Company considers all of the independent non-executive directors are independent.
The Company was incorporated on 30 August 2006. In December 2006, by way of an initial public offering (the “IPO”), the
Company issued 1,484,986,000 H shares of RMB1.00 each at a price of HK$2.20 per share. At the same time, the promoters of
the Company transferred 148,498,600 domestic state-owned shares of RMB1.00 each to National Council for Social Security
Fund of the PRC (the “NSSF”) and converted them into H shares on the basis of one domestic share to one H share. Immediately
after the IPO, the registered capital of the Company amounted to RMB5,444,986,000, of which 1,633,484,600 H shares of the
Company were listed and traded on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”).
On 9 April 2008, the Company announced the completion of placing a total of 359,365,600 H shares, including an issue of
326,696,000 new H shares and an issue of 32,669,600 H shares placed on behalf of NSSF upon conversion of the same number
of existing domestic shares of the Company allocated to NSSF by China Telecommunications Corporation (“China Telecom”).
After the completion of placing, the total issued shares of the Company increased to 5,771,682,000 shares, of which
1,992,850,200 shares were H shares.
As disclosed in the prospectus of the Company dated 27 November 2006, China Telecom entered into equity transfer
arrangements with China Mobile Communications Corporation (“China Mobile”) and China United Telecommunications
Corporation (now known as China United Network Communications Group Company Limited (“China Unicom”)), respectively.
Pursuant to the arrangements, China Telecom agreed to transfer 506,880,000 and 236,300,000 domestic shares to China
Mobile and China Unicom, respectively. On 24 March 2009, the equity transfers were formally completed and became effective.
On the same date, Guangdong Telecom Industry Group Corporation and Zhejiang Telecom Industry Corporation completed the
transfers of 236,313,086 and 87,664,532 domestic shares, respectively, to China Telecom.