China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
The Group was also honoured “The Best Listed Company in Corporate Governance” in the 5th China Securities “Golden
Bauhinia Awards” hosted by
Tai Kung Pao
, “The Best of Asia — Icon on Corporate Governance” once again in the 11th
“Corporate Governance Asia Recognition Awards in 2015” held by the
Corporate Governance Asia
, and was recognized as “The
Best Risk Management Company” by
in their first list of Best Listed Companies. The Group ranked 78th in the
“2015 FORTUNE China 500” list released by
(ranked 82nd in 2014).
Although we are facing challenges arising from the slow down in macro-economic growth, slow growth in the communications
sector, decrease in service charges for certain services and changes in regulatory policies, our future development is still
promising. The PRC government is accelerating the supply-side structural reform which is going to unleash the benefits of reform
gradually and bring new momentum for corporate development. The PRC government’s initiatives of Cyberpower, Broadband
China, Internet+, “One Belt, One Road” and Infrastructure Construction in New Form are offering enormous space for business
development. The domestic telecommunications operators’ 4G network optimization and construction, broadband network
upgrade in quality and speed, continuous growth in OPEX and ongoing demands in maintenance outsourcing, acquisition of
tower asset of domestic telecommunications operators by the Tower Company, as well as new cooperation relationship among
operators, will all provide new opportunities for our market expansion.
The Group will adhere to its existing strategies and build on the continuous success it has achieved in the diversification of its
customer base, business scope and regional presence, and continue to explore new market space and cultivate new growth
momentum. The Group will focus on the development of high value businesses and pursue scale development of the two new
markets — domestic non-operator market and overseas market with the support of product and services innovation, and
professional integration. We will focus on the development of both “CAPEX and OPEX-driven” businesses and accelerate the
expansion of OPEX-driven business to make it our fundamental business, with a view to strengthening our leading position in the
domestic telecommunications operator market. The Group will apply new technology to traditional services for cross-sector
service provision and strive to strengthen integrated service delivery capabilities for the entire industrial chain. The Group will
optimize its operation and management system to achieve further innovation in establishing mechanisms adaptable to corporate
development. With the continuous efforts in cultivating new growth momentum, the Group will achieve continuous and stable
development, and create greater value for its shareholders and customers.
Finally, on behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the shareholders and
customers of the Group and all sectors of society for their longstanding care and support to the Group, and sincerely thank all
the employees for their dedication over the years. And I would like to express my sincere gratefulness to Mr. Wei Leping, a
former Independent Non-executive Director, as well as Ms. Xia Jianghua, the former Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee,
for their contribution to the development of the Group during their tenure. I would also like to express my sincere welcome to
Mr. Lv Tingjie and Mr. Wu Taishi for joining the Board and Ms. Han Fang for joining the Supervisory Committee.
Sun Kangmin
Beijing, PRC
31 March 2016