China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015 - page 32

China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
its promotion of the six major group-level products including smart city, smart security, smart industrial park, intelligent building,
cloud computing construction services and e-certification, with a view to continuously enhancing the value of the projects. The
Group has been devoted in the expansion of customers in sectors such as government, transportation, internet and information
technology, construction and property, and electricity, and won certain high value projects, including overall integrated network
planning, construction and commissioning for “Second World Internet Conference” in Wuzhen, highway informatization system
development in Hunan Province, smart security project in Binjiang District of Zhejiang Province and construction of data centre
for Tangshan World Horticultural Exposition. Currently, annual contracted revenue generated from customers in sectors such as
government, transportation, electricity, construction and property sectors exceeded RMB1 billion.
In 2015, the Group proactively reallocated its resources in overseas market and continued to optimize business structure to
improve the quality of revenue. Meanwhile, the Group reinforced its overseas risk management by utilizing various financial
instruments, such as accounts receivable factoring and forward foreign exchange lock-up to hedge against overseas funding and
exchange rate risks. The Group closely monitored national “One Belt, One Road” Initiative and the “10 Major Plans of Sino-
African Cooperation”, and organized “China-Africa ICT Partnership Forum” in South Africa and facilitated the signing of the
Memorandum of Understanding on the Joint Partnership and Cooperation on the Acceleration of Development of Infrastructure
for Information and Communications Technologies in East Africa among Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
(“MIIT”), International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) and Ministry of Communications of five East African countries and
proactively initiated and pushed ahead the “China-Africa Partnership Program in Trans Africa Information Superhighway” Project.
This project has become a key Sino-foreign cooperative project supported by the PRC government and has been marked as the
2016 key project of MIIT.
The Group organized “China-Africa ICT Partnership Forum” in South Africa, initiated the “China-Africa Partnership Program in
Trans Africa Information Superhighway” Project and facilitated the signing of the memorandum on cooperation among MIIT,
ITU and Ministry of Communications of five East African countries
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