China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
The Group provides Network Maintenance services for
telecommunications operators covering fiber optic cables, electric
cables, base stations, network equipment and user terminals. The
market space of maintenance services continues to expand along
with the growth of network scale, increasing volume of
maintenance outsourcing business and new demands of
maintenance business from domestic telecommunications
operators. In 2015, the Group proactively undertook on-site
i n t e g r a t e d ma i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e s f r om d ome s t i c
telecommunications operators, facilitated the organization
optimization of maintenance business and continuously improved
efficiency and effectiveness. The Group realized revenue of
RMB9,756 million from the Network Maintenance business,
representing a rapid increase of 19.8%, and maintaining a growth
rate of over 18% for two consecutive years and was the second
largest contributor to the total incremental revenues.
Business Process Outsourcing Services
The Group is the largest integrated provider of business process
outsourcing services in the communications industry in China. We kept
extending our business scope along the communications business
value chain, providing major services include management of
infrastructure for information technology (“Network Maintenance”),
distribution of telecommunications services and products
(“Distribution”) and general facilities management. The targets of
our services include domestic and overseas telecommunications
operator customers, government agencies and enterprises
customers. In 2015, the Group focused on the OPEX-driven business
of domestic telecommunications operators, and strengthened the
synergistic operation and brand building of OPEX-driven business,
whilst controlling the development of businesses with low efficiency.
Revenue from business process outsourcing services amounted to
RMB33,014 million, representing a year-on-year growth of 5.8%.
Optical network restoration project
The Group undertook data centre project