China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
The Company firmly believes that information disclosure is not only the responsibility and obligation that must be discharged by
a listed company in accordance with the regulatory requirements for the protection of investors’ interest, but also an effective
way to improve transparency and enhance the understanding of the Company by the capital market.
Since its listing, the Company has strictly complied with the information disclosure requirements for listed companies and made
information disclosure by consistently adhering to the principle of timely, just, fair and accurate. In 2015, the Company published
more than twenty corporate communications such as announcements and circulars. Such publications have objectively and
comprehensively disclosed information regarding the Company’s results, operating performance, financial information, dividend
payment, poll results of general meetings, and certain voluntary disclosures as well as awards received from the capital market.
In 2015, the Company published the following information on the websites of the Stock Exchange and the Company pursuant
to the Listing Rules:
19/01/2015 Poll results of the extraordinary general meeting held on 19 January 2015 and appointment of executive director
19/01/2015 Announcement of appointment of chairman and authorized representative
19/01/2015 Announcement of list of directors and their role and function
06/03/2015 Announcement relating to date of board meeting to approve the 2014 annual results
25/03/2015 Announcement of annual results for the year ended 31 December 2014
20/04/2015 Annual report 2014
20/04/2015 Notice of the annual general meeting to be held on 26 June 2015, form of proxy and attendance slip
20/04/2015 Circular relating to the proposed re-election of directors and supervisors and notice of annual general meeting
05/05/2015 Articles of Association
01/06/2015 Circular relating to the supplemental notice of annual general meeting
01/06/2015 Supplemental notice of annual general meeting to be held on 26 June 2015 and supplemental form of proxy
26/06/2015 Poll results of the annual general meeting held on 26 June 2015, payment of final dividend and appointments of
directors and supervisors
26/06/2015 Announcement of list of directors and their role and function
07/08/2015 Announcement relating to the date of board meeting to approve the 2015 interim results
26/08/2015 Announcement of interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2015
14/09/2015 Interim report 2015
29/09/2015 Announcement relating to the revision of annual caps, continuing connected transactions and proposed new
annual caps
29/09/2015 Announcement of appointment of deputy chief financial officer
22/10/2015 Notice of the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 11 December 2015, form of proxy and attendance slip
22/10/2015 Circular relating to the revision of annual caps, continuing connected transactions and proposed new annual
20/11/2015 Supplemental notice of extraordinary general meeting to be held on 11 December 2015 and supplemental form
of proxy
20/11/2015 Circular relating to the supplemental notice of extraordinary general meeting
11/12/2015 Poll results of the extraordinary general meeting held on 11 December 2015
11/12/2015 Announcement of resignation and appointment of supervisor