China Communications Services Corporation Limited Annual Report 2015
The H shares issued by the Company were listed on the Stock Exchange on 8 December 2006 at an offer price of HK$2.2 per
share. Since its listing, the Company has firmly captured various development opportunities arising from the industry and adapted
to the policy environment and achieved sustainable and steady development through effective implementation of strategies and
sound corporate governance. The Company proactively implements its investor relations program to strengthen the
communication and interaction with the capital market. The price of the Company’s H shares has been maintaining a favourable
overall performance since its listing to 31 December 2015.
Share Price Performance Since Listing
From 8 December 2006 to 31 December 2015
Share Price Performance in 2015
From 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015
In 2015, against the backdrop of the changing macro-economic environment and a series of policies introduced by the Chinese
government, both the industry and market environment encountered different levels of changes and the Hong Kong stock
market fluctuated and showed a downward trend. Facing the dual impact of capital market fluctuation and changes in industrial
environment, the Company proactively implemented its investor relations program and communicated with the capital market in
a timely and effective manner, such that the investors can have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding towards the
Company’s current operation and long-term future prospects with a view to secure and strengthen investor’s confidence. In
2015, the stock price of the Company remained relatively stable in the second half of the year after fluctuations in the first half.
The Company’s share price recorded a decline of around 20.1% for the whole year.
Price per H share of the Company (HK$)
As at 31 December 2015, the total number of shares of the Company was 6,926,018,400 shares, including 4,534,598,160
domestic shares and 2,391,420,240 H shares, both at par value of RMB1.00 each. All the H shares of the Company are listed on
the Stock Exchange, representing approximately 34.5% of the total number of shares of the Company. Based on the closing
price as of 31 December 2015, the Company’s market capitalization was about HK$20.2 billion.